
Wednesday, 30 January 2013

:: worldless wednesday :: sambutan tahun baru 2013

ni sambutan malam tahun baru aritu
tengok bunga api dari rumah awa n jannah
comel sangat
dalam gambar ni cam x banyak bunga api
sebab amik guna hanset cikai cap samseng jer
tapi kalau live memang best

Friday, 25 January 2013

::project felt:: teaser project lepas exam

ce teka apa yg saya buat ni

Thursday, 24 January 2013

program citra siswa OPKOM ke-21

currently i'm at kuala kedah
muzium kuala kedah to be specific
running the programes of OPKOM ke 21
OPKOM stand for operasi khidmat masyarakat oprometri

here the detail


i'll update about the programe later
see u



semoga mendapat keberkatan ilahi

kejap lagi pukul 6.30 am
saya dan semua bakal2 optometrist ukm akan bertolak ke kuala kedah

semoga perjalanan kami dijauhkan dari segala bencana
lancar sehingga sampai ke kuala kedah

semoga program khidmat bakti kami ini mendapat rahmat dari ALLAH
diberkati olehNya
segala ujian dan kesulitan dapat ditempuhi dengan jayanya

orang orang kuala kedah
sat g jumpa cek na..
kita sembang na..
sat na..




Monday, 21 January 2013

action speaks louder than words!!

sikap n sifat manusia ni pelbagai kan?

ada yang slow.. jenis x kisah hal sekeliling
ada yang moderate.. ni ok la selalunya
ada yang extreme.. overeact 

ada yang buat jer keje dia tanpa banyak cakap/ x pandai cakap
ada yang cakap jer banyak, keje x jalan/hampeh


saje jer mengomel malam2 (ke pagi?) ni

Friday, 18 January 2013

makhluk aneh

korang tau x makhluk apakah ini?
boleh dimakan ni

atas : belum masak
bawah: yang dah dimasak, yg kanan bawah tu, cengkerang dia dah tercabut

errkk.. kalau korang sanggup x makan ni?
saya x mampu nk makan
tengok pun dah rasa semacam
sebu je tengkuk =p


[opto]~ larutan kanta sentuh yang tidak halal

masa saya exam kanta sentuh semalam
Prof Rokiah ada tanya satu soalan kat jannah
jannah ni partner sy tuk stesen pemasangan

'apakah solution yg tidak boleh dipakai oleh muslim, means solution yg x halal?'


jannah masa tu tengah otw nk buka SCL dari mata saya
terus terpegun dia kejap
sampai gi simpan lens tu tanpa basuh dulu

saya pun masa tu dah ternganga jugak
memang saya pun x tau
x leh nk tolong dia jawab gak

sebelum2 ni masa dalam kuliah 
lecturer pernah sebut pasal ada solution yang x halal
sebab dia ada produk dari cik Bab tu
tapi dia x bgtau pun produk apa

tapi of kos la
kami2 ni kan 
kurang kerajinan sket nak mncari maklumat tambahan nyer

benda tu pun macam x femes sangat kat malaysia  ni
saya rasa x ada kot dijual kat malaysia ni

oleh yang demikian..ecehhh
malam ni dengan penuh semangatnyer saya pun google2 la
so dapat jumpa 1 jenis jer
nama dia 

produk dari Alcon 

tadi g tanya En Haziq pun dia cakap produk dari alcon
tapi dia x ingat plak nama ape

so, lepas ni kena ambil pengajaran
setiap apa yang lecturer cakap kena take note
kena rajin cari info tambahan

never take things for granted.. okehh 


Thursday, 17 January 2013

result contact lens

aku teramat amat bersyukur kepada mu YA ALLAH

result tuk praktikal kanta sentuh yang saya lalui pagi tadi dah kluar malam ni
Allah tu maha pemurah lagi maha penyayang
saya bergantung sepenuhnya padaNya
dan dia berikan yang terbaik untuk saya
nikmat yang tidak mungkin dapat dibeli dengan wang ringgit

dengan izinnya aku LULUS
x dapat nak ucap ngan kata2 perasaan saya masa ni
nk menitis rasa air mata

masa nak cek tadi
rasa naak luruh jantung
4 5 kali scroll down tengok no matrik
kot2 ada terselit no matrik saya
phew.. x de

yang lulus 18 orang n yang belum lulus (x gagal yer tapi belum lulus)
ada 11 orang
yang belum lulus ni akan retest esok
saya harap mereka dapat buat yang terbaik dan lancar

Doa: Ya Allah ya tuhan ku, aku bersyukur kepada mu,
aku mohon supaya kejayaan ini menjadi pemangkin bagiku untuk menjadi lebih cemerlang pada masa akan datang, jauhkan lah aku dari rasa lupa diri dan bongkak, penyakit penyakit hati ini aku sangat takut ya allah.. ya allah permudahkanlah perjalanan pengajian ku ini, tidak sabar untukku bekerja dan membals jasa orang tuaku ya allah.. ya rahman ya rahim, aku juga mohon pada mu rahmatilah dan berkatilah aku dan rakan-rakan ku.. terutamanya rakan2ku yang akan retest esok.. berilah ketengangan dan kekuatan semangat kepada mereka..Aminn

Now : keep praying n tawakkal for final result of sem 1 year 3.. hope it is also pass with flying colors n my PNG higher than before


menggigil kaki tangan ~ contact lens final practical exam

hari ini 
kami budak opto tahun 3 ada practical exam kanta sentuh
mula kul 8.30am
saya jadi kumpulan pertama lagi
maksudnya untuk round pertama saya dah kena masuk

bila panggil jer nama 
terus la saya masuk dengan konfiden dan semangat yang berkobar-kobar
puan asmah yang tukang panggil nama 
dia suruh saya masuk kubikel 21
*kubikel (bilik-bilik kecik untuk pemeriksaan)
saya pun jalan dah nak dekat sampai kubikel tu
prof bariah panggil n tanya saya bilik mana
pastu dia suruh tunggu kat luar dulu
sebabnya examiner yang akan supervise saya nak minum air dulu..huhuuhu

saya pun tengok la sape


Prof Norhani??!!

mengucap pangjang dah saya masa tu
kalau korang nk tau prof norhani ni sape
gi la google2 pasal dia
taip jer Prof Norhani optometri ukm
korang tau la betapa hebatnya dia
ilmunya cukup tinggi
salah sorang idol saya tu

tapi x pe saya kata 
saya pun kluar la balik
kawan2 yg duk kat luar sibuk tanya knape kuar balik
x sampai bbrapa saat jer relaks
pastu kecuakan mula melanda..hehe
kaki x leh nak berdiri
tangan gigil-gigil sampai biru kuku
kalau sape yg selalu exam practical dia tau la camner
hebatnya penangann kegigilan tu
yang tambah buat saya gigil
sebabnya saya dah masuk n dah tengok suasana dalam tu camner
ngan SV2 lain yg ada
tengok ada prof Rokiah
Dr izzudin
Dr mizhanim
cik laili
cik adibah 
En hafizun
huhu.. suma seram seram

Apa yang diuji hari tu ada 4 stesen semuanya
pemasangan SCL n RGP - patient partner ngan jannah, SV by Prof Rokiah
penilaian SCL - patient kak mia, SV by En hafizun
penilaian RGP - patient kak jijah, SV by cik laili
after care of contact lens - Prof Norhani (i feel such an honour to have her to supervise me)

semuanya saya berpuas hati ngan prestasi saya
saya rasa saya dah buat yang sehabis baik
saya x kisah kalau result kluar x seperti yang diharapkan
yang penting bagi saya
saya dah buat yang terbaik
dan seterusnya saya hanya mampu tawakkal n berdoa

TApi, ada gak tragedi berlaku tadi


nasib baik jatuh dalam bekas tadah tu jer
Prof Rokiah cakap ' u shouln't do that'
huhuhu   T__T
x tau la kalau disebabkan tu aku fail 
result akan kluar malam ni
so, sekarang tengah cuak tunggu result pulak ler

p/s: entry ni taip ptg tadi lagi.. lupa nak post.. now result dah kuar pun masa sy post entry ni
nak tau saya dapat ape tengok SINI

Monday, 14 January 2013

bam bam bammmmm

budak bam bam
sebab nama x tau lagi
kita panggil baby bam bam dulu la eh


fresh from oven 
wekkkkk =p

rambut dia lebatnyerrr

sama x ngan kakak dia dulu?

kakak najah umur sehari

kakak najah 
ni latest pic yg ada.. beberapa bulan lepas ni

sama x?

Najah jr have arrived 13113~ cucu mok muda yg ke-11

bertambah lagi anak buah saya
adik kepada najah

dah 11 orang semua
sikit baru tu
ramai lagi otw.. hahaha

nt sy update gambor yer..
ayah dia dah mms tadi
tapi usb plak tertinggal kat K5
 minggu depan eh


ermm : adakah saya yg akan jadi baby sitter minggu depan?
99% saya calon terbaik..huhu
btw : tambah anak sedare sekurang-kurangnya 3 orang adalah salah satu azam sy tahun ni..bleh gitu.. hahaha

Saturday, 12 January 2013


harini satu lagi sejarah tercipta
di pusat bandaraya kuala lumpur
rakyat berkumpul secara aman menuntut keadilan
menuntut dikembalikan hak yg selama ini dinafikan 
berjuang menentang kezaliman

setakat saya sedang menulis ni
tiada lagi berita yang x baik diterima
semuanya  berjalan lancar dan aman

actually, how i wish i could be there
bersama-sama mereka berjuang 
tapi buat masa sekarang
belum sesuai n belum masanya saya untuk sertai
banyak perkara yang membataskan
namun x bermakna saya tidak berjuang


saya berjuang bertungkus lumus study utk nex 4 paper 
supaya suatu hari saya dapat jadi orang yg 'hebat'
tunggu PRU13 la nt
kita tengok hasilnya bagaimana
saya dah boleh mengundi.. weee.. x sabarnya nak memangkah
jom layan gambar plak

semua saya ambik dari FB harakahdaily


tuntut royalti

HEBAT.. solat subuh di masjid negara.. dah macam solat jumaat 

ni lah barisan unit amal yang banyak berjasa 

melimpah ruah manusia sampai x muat stadium (ada yg nk kata ni edit ke?)


(' ',)v

Friday, 11 January 2013

[opto] Possible Contact Lens Complications

Possible Contact Lens Complications

Contact lenses are a reasonable alternative to glasses to attain good vision. However, contact lenses are not without risk. The most common complications occur due to poor hygiene or compliance.  We recommend having a set of glasses in case you must discontinue use of your contact lenses due to problems.  Annual exams by your eye doctor are highly recommended to avoid serious complications and ensure your ongoing eye health.
The following conditions are possible complications of contact lenses. You, the patient, must be aware of the potential hazards and accept these relative risks in addition to the benefits of contact lenses.
1. Contact lens over-wear:  This occurs when a contact lens is worn longer than the cornea can tolerate. Not enough oxygen gets to the cornea resulting in temporary discomfort and blurred vision. The treatment is to discontinue wearing the contact lenses for a few days.
2. Corneal abrasion:  This is a "scratch" on the surface of the cornea resulting from a poorly fitting contact lens or possibly from foreign material under a contact lens. Over-wear can also cause an abrasion. Treatment includes antibiotics and a bandage contact lens. Infection may result from this condition.
3. Allergic reaction:  In this condition, the eye becomes red and irritated in response to the cleaning and/or storage solutions or seasonal allergies. It is more often seen with soft contact lenses and usually is a reaction to the preservatives in these solutions.  Treatment includes changing to different solutions and storage methods
4. Tight Lens Syndrome:  This is more often seen with soft and extended wear lenses. The lens, which had previously fit well, "tightens up" and does not allow tears and oxygen to reach the cornea. This can lead to a corneal abrasion. Treatment is to refit the lens.
5. Corneal warpage:  This is usually due to contact lens over-wear or poor fitting lenses or inadequate follow-up.  This is more often seen with hard and gas permeable contact lenses, but can occur in soft contact lenses too due to over-wear. In this condition, the shape of the cornea becomes altered in response to the contact lenses. If severe warpage occurs, the lenses may no longer fit well and discomfort results. Treatment includes discontinuation of lens wear until the warpage resolves, which may take weeks to months. During this healing time, vision may fluctuate, requiring a change in the glasses prescription one or more times. Occasionally, the warpage may not resolve and the astigmatism created may persist.
6. Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis (GPC):  In this condition there is redness and discomfort when wearing the contact lenses. It is more often seen with soft contact lenses and most likely results from over-wear or an allergic reaction to deposits which have formed on the lenses, or to the lens material itself. Treatment includes temporary discontinuation of lens wear, switching to a new or different design lens and may occasionally result in inability to continue lens wear at all.
7. Corneal ulcer:  This is the most severe complication of contact lenses. It is more often seen with continuous wear soft contact lenses. In this condition, trauma to the cornea from the contact lens results in a bacterial infection. This may require hospitalization for the frequent antibiotic eye-drops required to control this infection. Corneal scarring may result in spite of effective treatment, and may result in loss of vision. Corneal transplantation may be required in some cases for restoration of vision.

sumber : SINI

Thursday, 10 January 2013

[opto] Common Contact Lens Complications

Common Contact Lens Complications


All contact lenses are still foreign bodies to the eyes, they can and sometimes do give rise to eye problems. However, these complications are fairly uncommon and easily remedied. The incidence of these complications from lens wearing can be prevented if they are utilized properly, in terms of proper lens fitting, appropriate wearing schedule and stringent lens hygiene. Wearers should view the warning signs and symptoms seriously. Consult your eye-care practitioner immediately if prolonged red-eye, eye discomfort, reduced vision, sensitivity to light and eye discharge develops.

Giant papillary conjunctivitis(GPC) is the most common contact lens related problem.
It appears as numerous tiny swelling on the inside surface of the eyelids, particularly on the upper tarsal plate. 
The most common underlying cause is an allergic reaction to the lens protein deposit, lens material or solution. Although it's not sight-threatening, the itchiness, increased lens awareness, sticky discharge and reduced vision make lens wearing unbearable.
Once GPC occurs, it's best to discontinue contact lens wear until the signs and symptoms have resolved and your practitioner has given you green light to resume lens wear. The recurrence of this condition is not uncommon. When resume NEW lens wear, you are advised to pay particular attention on lens maintenance, replace your lenses more frequently, or consider switching to disposable or RGP contact lenses. 
Top of page

Corneal abrasion may occur from a tiny particle (for example sand or some airborne debris) getting under the lens. This is far more common with RGP than soft lenses. There is a varying degree of pain or discomfort and a feeling of foreign body sensation.
 It may result from wearing an RGP lens with an edge defect or a soft lens with an edge tear. Often does not require medical treatment. If deeper corneal layer is affected or the abrasion is over a large area, immediate medical treatment is needed. 
Top of page

Corneal neovascularisation is the ingrowth of abnormal blood vessel into the cornea from the limbus (junction of cornea and eye-white).The cornea normally has no blood vessels. Contact lens wear slightly reduce the oxygen deliver to the cornea, when lens wear is prolonged for days at a time or a lens that significantly limit the oxygen supply to the cornea, the cornea responds to this chronic oxygen deprivation by growing new abnormal blood vessels.
Further progression involves ingrowth of larger vessels accompanied by increasing amount of connective tissue into the transparent cornea. This fibrovascular scar is called Pannus, if unchecked it can grow over the pupil region of the cornea.
The occurrence of neovascularisation requires immediate lens change to allow sufficient oxygen supply to the cornea, by using of higher oxygen transmissibility lens material and stop extended wearing schedule. 
Top of page
Corneal oedema (swelling), like neovascularisation, related to insufficient oxygen to the cornea. Improperly used extended wear lenses are the most likely cause. If detected early and remedial action taken, the cornea will most likely without complications.
There are often no symptoms. In some cases, wearer may experience hazy vision, haloes around lights and pain upon removal of the lenses . Allowing the condition to continue can cause breaks on the corneal surface and lead to corneal infection and permanent scarring of the cornea.
Prevention is the best treatment. Regular follow-up examinations can detect oxygen deprivation and microscopic cornea changes before they become problematic. Replacing contact lenses as recommended and refrain from over-night lens wear is necessary to maintain normal eye health. 
Top of page
Corneal ulcer is the most devastating contact lens complication. The responsible micro-organisms to this complication may be bacteria, fungi or parasitic amoeba. 
Wearing a lens without proper cleaning and disinfection, small break or abrasion on the cornea as a result of foreign body or excessive corneal stress, have the greater likelihood for infectious micro-organisms to cause corneal infection. The risk is greater in soft lens wearers and those wearing lenses on extended wear basis.
Symptoms of acute eye pain, foreign body sensation, eye discharge and a red-eye should warn the wearer to remove the lens and seek advice immediately from your practitioner. Delay in treatment of this condition can lead to corneal scarring or corneal perforation in extreme case.
Prevention is to:
  • Stop extended lens wearing to minimize the possibility of break on the cornea.
  • Maintain stringent lens hygiene.
  • Use only recommended lens solutions as your practitioner's direction. 

sumber : SINI

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

wordless wednesday :: homemade sushi

Friday, 4 January 2013

mandi malam

posted from Bloggeroid

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

[opto]~mood exam.. 1st paper-asas pnyakit okular



Mohindra retinoscopy has been introduced by Mohindra (1977, 1980). This is a technique of near retinoscopy that are very beneficial in determining the refractive errors of infants or children. Some studies have shown a good correlation between this technique and cycloplegic retinoscopy.

Retinoscopy      and lens rack    

1.    The examiner should be 50cm from patient. During this procedure, the examiner may use the same eye to examine both eyes of patient.
2.    The room illumination should be completely dark.
3.    Set the intensity of the retinoscopy to a level that allows for observation of the reflex without being aversive to patient.
4.    Sit in front of patient. Mother can hold the child if the child can not sit.
5.    Occlude the left eye and test the right eye. Patient is instructed to look at the light. For infant, usually they tend to look at the light automatically, but if it is not happen, stimulate the child’s attention by making sounds.
6.    Shine the light to the eye, and  observe the principal meridian. Then use lens rack to neutralizes each meridian and identify the power.
7.    Calculate the retinoscopy finding in minus cyl form.
8.    After that, add -1.25D sphere to the spherical component of the finding. The resultant sphero-cylinder represents the patients correction.
a.    -1.25D represents a constant number for lag of accommodation
9.    Repeat the procedure for the other eye.

Studies have shown that the more hyperopic an infant is the less accurate Mohindra becomes when compared to cycloplegic retinoscopy. If infants exhibit esophoria or esotropia it appears to also not show a good correlation with the actual amount of hyperopia present.

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

selamat datang 2013 ~ apa azam saya?

hai hai hai
selamat menyambut tahun baru 2013

semoga tahun ini lebih baik dari tahun yang lepas2
semoga semua perbuatan kita yg telah lepas diberkati Allah
semoga perkara akan datang akan dirahmati Allah

ayuh sama-sama kita tingkatkan potensi diri
dari setiap segi

psst:: apa azam korang untuk tahun ni.. erkk.. azam tahun lepas dah tertunai belum??
x semestinya kita kena berazam setiap kali tahun baru, setiap hari pun kena ada azam, tapi kan lebih bagus kalau kita ada untuk tahun tu.. dengan azam baru kita boleh nampak matlamat kita dengan jelas.. pastu baru boleh berusaha untuk mencapai nnyer.. ye dak..

pasni ada la tu yg cakap,, 'asal tahun baru jer nak azam'.. its up to you.. bagi saya, azam tahun baru sangat penting untuk saya supaya hidup ada arah tujuan yg jelas.. mungkin cara korang bermatlamat lain.. 

apa azam saya?

BIARLAH RAHSIA.. biarlah ia tercatat dalam diari peribadi shj..hehehe =)